Access PA participants may now download MARC records from the Access PA Catalog using a Z39.50 client.
(You must still use FTP to upload a MARC record collection.)
To connect to the Access PA Catalog’s Z39.50 server, configure your Z39.50 client with the following information:
Port: 2010
Format: MARC21
Attributes: Search,Use,Relation,Position,Structure,Truncation,Completeness
Author-Keyword With Right Truncation,1003,3,3,2,1
Auther-Exact Match,1003,3,1,1,100,3
Author-First Word in Field,1003,3,1,1,100,1
Author-First Characters in Field,1003,3,1,1,1,1
Title-Keyword With Right Truncation,4,3,3,2,1,1
Title-Exact Match,4,3,1,1,100,3
Title-First Words in Field,4,3,1,1,100,1
Title-First Characters in Field,4,3,1,1,1,1
Subject-Keyword With Right Truncation,21,3,3,2,1,1
Subject-Exact Match,21,3,1,1,100
Subject-First Words in Field,21,3,1,1,100,1
Subject-First Characters in Field,21,3,1,1,1
Any Search-Keyword With Right Truncation,1016,3,3,2,1,1
Standard Identifier,1007,3,1,1,100,1
Date of Publication,31,[1,2,3,4,5],1,4,100,1
Username: accesspa
Password: The password changes annually, each August. It is the same one used to upload your collection to the Auto-Graphics cloud. Contact HSLC Support if you need the updated password.