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Access PA ILL - General



For any staff member who will be conducting ILL business, there is a self-paced tutorial on Searching for requests, placing requests, and filling requests that can be viewed on the POWER Academy. You can access this training by:

  • Visiting the POWER Academy (link will open in a new tab)
  • Clicking on the Access Pennsylvania: Interlibrary Loan + SHAREit Basics tutorial

Please note: to complete the training, you must have an account with the Office of Commonwealth Library's PA Library Staff Academy.  If you don't already have an account, please see the box below.

For any staff member who will be managing the library's participation, there is a second self-paced tutorial on the Participant Record, statistics, and other miscellany. It is also located in the POWER Academy and titled "Access Pennsylvania: Interlibrary Loan + SHAREit Intermediate."

Pro Tip: complete documentation to accompany the training, including the full staff manual in PDF form, can be found here

How do I access POWER Academy?

POWER Academy is hosted through the PA Staff Academy.  You can also access the POWER Academy from the main For Librarians page via the POWER Academy link on the right sidebar.

Please note: To complete a training, you must have a Niche account. Staff without a public library-specific domain (most school and academic libraries, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.), will be asked to email the administrator for access. Those requests can be submitted through the Bureau of Library Development's Contact Us form>.  Select Professional Development as the category on the form and be sure to provide the email you will use for your Niche account.

From the PA Library Staff Academy, locate the POWER Academy category (all the way at the bottom) and find a tutorial that interests you.  Once you have an account created, you can access the tutorials directly through the POWER Academy link provided to the left.

 All tutorials are grouped by POWER Library service type and include:

  • Access Pennsylvania/SHAREit
  • E-Resources
  • PA Photos and Documents
  • Chat with a Librarian
  • POWER Library Basics

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This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and
through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries.  

The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Pennsylvania Department of Education                         Institute of Museum and Library Services